calibre works on macOS 10.14 (Mojave) and higher.

The Military Armament Corporation Model 10, officially abbreviated as 'M10' or 'M-10', and more commonly known as the MAC-10, is a compact, blowback operated machine pistol that was developed by Gordon B. Ingram in 1964. It is chambered in either.45 ACP or 9mm.A two-stage suppressor by Sionics was designed for the MAC-10, which not only abates the noise created, but makes it easier to control. I guess I have to go back to Calibre to read these books. But hey, this Amazon kindle software was free- sure glad I didn't buy a tablet and get stuck with a non-functioning product. UPDATE 2016 None of the older versions would run on the latest Mac OS so I tried to get a newer one.

Calibre For Mac Os X 10.10 Update
Version: 4.20.0 What's new
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Previous releases of calibre are available here.
Calibre For Mac Os X 10.100 Download
Calibre For Mac Os X 10.100
- The application cannot be run from within the dmg. You must drag it to a folder on your filesystem (The Desktop, Applications, wherever).
- In order to show calibre in a different language, open the preferences (by pressing ⌘+P) and select your language.
- If you are using macOS older than 10.14 (Mojave), the last version of calibre that will work on your machine is 3.48, available here.
- If you are using macOS 10.8 (Mountain Lion), the last version of calibre that will work on your machine is 2.85.1, available here.